

Hong Kong

Flag: Hong Kong

The Community Organizer

Cornell University


Crossroads Group, a partner organization that provides writing assistance to students in Hong Kong, introduced us to Ethan when he was a high school freshman. He was a serious student in school and a member of the Boy Scouts outside of school. He had an opportunity to travel to Nepal with the Boy Scouts to work on a Habitat for Humanity build. The work was tough, dirty, and not at all what he expected, but he had a great trip leader who sat the scouts down when they began complaining and explained the significance of their work for the village. His leader’s words had an enormous impact on Ethan.

Ethan returned to school eager to join his school’s Habitat for Humanity Club. He expected weekly builds and trips but soon discovered the Club was mostly focused on fundraising. He advocated for trips knowing they would help build new membership. He used their Halloween Haunted House and Christmas Gingerbread House fundraisers to educate younger Club members about the real mission of Habitat for Humanity. Ethan finally convinced the Club to fund a trip to Cambodia and will lead this year’s trip to Indonesia. Ethan also chose to join his school’s annual service trips, traveling to India, Vietnam, and the Himalayas over the course of his sophomore, junior, and senior years. These trips exposed him to the realities of extreme poverty and social injustice.

Back in Hong Kong, Ethan worked toward his Eagle Scout rank. His Eagle project was to build a supply room for a local orphanage. He decided to stay with the Scouts to mentor younger members after achieving his Eagle. It seemed Ethan was committed to improving the lives of others in every way possible.

During the nearly four years we worked with Ethan, we helped him plan numerous college visits. As his passion for community service became evident, we recommended Cornell University’s College of Human Ecology, whose mission is “to improve lives by exploring and shaping human connections to natural, social, and built environments.” Ethan and his father traveled to Ithaca almost as an afterthought, but Ethan’s identity is so grounded in service that we weren’t surprised he fell in love with Cornell.

Ethan worked hard on his application and The Short List made sure every word connected the dots of his story. He also wrote a supplement so clearly directed to the College of Human Ecology that we weren’t surprised when he received a Cornell Early Decision acceptance. Sometimes a school is better because of a student, and sometimes a student is better because of the school. In Ethan’s case, we believe both will be true, and the world will also be better as a result.




Flag: France

The Artist


It is rare that we work with teenagers who are singularly focused on a specific profession, but Anne-Claire was the exception. She was absolutely in love with art, and she was always clear that she wanted art to help shape her career.

Anne-Claire is French and, in Paris, was surrounded by some of the finest art museums in the world. As a young girl, she moved to Barcelona and was struck by both the beauty and oddity of Gaudi’s architecture on the grand Paseo de Gracia Avenue. She would spend hours outside contemplating the distinctive nature — inspired, organic shapes and forms that characterize his famous buildings. Her family also moved to London, where she became acquainted with the national Museum and was captivated by the Portrait Gallery. She began to keep a sketchbook and design costumes based on the many images she saw in the galleries. Finally, Anne-Claire discovered the world of modern art when her family moved to new York City while she was in high school.
Anne-Claire looked to The Short List to help her find schools that would allow her to explore her passion for connecting art with the world around her. We introduced her to a former career client who had secured a job at Sotheby’s. She saw the business side of art and was smitten. Anne-Claire wanted to explore schools in both the United States and United Kingdom. While most U.S. colleges require students to explore many academic areas through a core curriculum, students in England enter a specific college with a singular academic focus. Anne-Claire was open to both options as long as the schools had strong art history or art management programs. She made it clear that she would not apply Early Decision to any school because she wanted to keep her options open.

The Short List helped Anne-Claire research her list of schools and programs, and then plan her visits. She was keen to have interviews so she could better understand each school’s philosophy. We took her through our interview prep, helped her formulate questions, and then role-played many of the questions she was likely to encounter. She received tremendous feedback from several schools indicating that her interest and background made her a strong candidate. Anne-Claire was accepted to many premier schools. She chose to attend Cambridge University in England, where she will spend the next three years at Christ’s College reading the history of art.




The Environmentalist


Client: Anthony

Anthony attends an international school in Shanghai, China. Although he is Chinese-American, he has spent his entire life in Asia. He was determined to follow his older sister and study in the United States. She attends school outside Philadelphia, so at first Anthony considered East Coast schools, but he also wanted to visit schools in California.

Anthony is a bright student who is very involved in service and environmental activities. He was an officer in his school’s Roots and Shoots Club, participated on Habitat for Humanity trips to Mongolia and Malaysia, assisted the Jacaranda Foundation by teaching AIDS orphans, and returned to Mongolia to plant trees. At school, he worked with club members, students, and faculty to draft the school’s new eco policy and helped write a proposal for energy-efficient lighting, water- saving faucets, proper compost disposal, better use of natural lighting, and improved insulation.

The Short List recommended several California schools that have some of the United States’ strongest environmental science programs. Anthony’s parents could not be absent from work long enough to travel with him. However, two of Anthony’s closest friends were living in Hong Kong and also working with The Short List. To the great relief of Anthony’s parents, their families agreed to take Anthony with them on a West Coast college tour we helped organize.

The Short List recommended several California schools that have some of the United States’ strongest environmental science programs.

For Anthony, Pitzer College really stood out. Pitzer is part of the Claremont Colleges that also includes Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, and Scripps. Students can take classes at all five colleges, giving students a university feel. Pitzer emphasizes activism, building community service and advocacy into every program.

Before visiting Pitzer, Anthony signed up for an interview. During his visit, he saw that he would both learn in the classroom and be able to continue his work in the community. Anthony communicated with the school throughout the fall, and his Early Decision application outlined why the school’s environmental science program was right for him and how his interest and desires would be right for Pitzer.

There was no doubt Pitzer knew of Anthony even before he applied and clearly understood his reasons for applying. Anthony received his acceptance eight weeks later. Fittingly, Anthony’s mother had to convey the good news to him because Anthony was out of town helping others.



Dominican Republic

Flag: Dominican Republic

The Triplet

Barnard College

Alexandra is a triplet, lives in the Dominican Republic, and has older siblings attending college and graduate school in the U.S. When she began working with The Short List at the start of her junior year, she was determined to carve her own path through the process. She knew she wanted to attend college in the U.S., but that was the extent of her certainty in the college search process. In working with Alexandra we were very impressed with her energy, her engagement in the community, and her passion for life.

Alexandra grew up participating in political rallies and events, and world affairs were a regular topic at family dinners. She helped edit and produce two award-winning films for an advocacy film festival. She attended a summer course in international relations at Brown University, returning home determined to continue exploring the subject in college. As we helped her research majors for college, it became clear she wanted to find a way to combine international relations with her political and film interests, so we encouraged her to consider Barnard, one of Columbia University’s four undergraduate colleges. Barnard offers exactly what she was looking for: a vibrant campus where she could study political science, international relations, film studies, and human rights in an empowering environment.

The Short List worked with Alex to craft an application that highlighted her strengths and the interests that set her apart.

Alexandra had some concerns about applying to Barnard. Her older sister attends Barnard and her family spends a lot of time in Manhattan. She wanted to be sure she would not miss the opportunity to break out on her own by staying too close to her family. Her test scores presented another concern—they were not as strong as she would have liked despite her solid academic record. The Short List recognized Alexandra is bright, accomplished, and very determined, and felt she would be able to overcome these concerns if she really wanted to attend Barnard. She just had to find a way to communicate her passion for the school and the unique qualities she would bring to their next matriculating class.

The Short List worked with her to craft an application that highlighted her strengths and the interests that set her apart. She had an impressive resume with a wide range of experiences. We helped her identify the themes that threaded all of her activities together to tell the school a cohesive, distinctive story. We also showed her how to develop a relationship with her colleges. It was exciting to see Alexandra’s confidence grow throughout the process.

Alexandra decided to apply Early Decision to Barnard and eagerly awaited their decision. December arrived, and she was thrilled to receive an early acceptance. We are confident she will continue to forge her own path as she pursues her passions over the next four years.




The Best Buddy


Client: Alex

When Alex first came to The Short List in his junior year, we knew that he was an exceptional student. He was second in his class, had already taken seven AP courses, and was a member of three honor societies. We were amazed to learn how many activities Alex was also involved with: varsity and club soccer, student government, community service, and a few clubs at school. It quickly became clear Alex’s challenge was going to be time management.

Additionally, we knew that Alex had ambition but had yet to discover his true passion. As we got to know Alex, we learned he had a growing enthusiasm for his work with the Best Buddies Club at his school. Alex had developed a close relationship with his “buddy.” As we worked with Alex, he began to recognize he had a strong passion for working with students with intellectual disabilities and was determined to help other students experience a friendship similar to the one he and his buddy shared. He became president of the club in his senior year and grew the membership from five students to 150 active members. Ultimately, Alex’s work with Best Buddies gave him a strong curiosity about brain development, and he became interested in pursuing neuroscience.

Alex decided to apply Early Decision to Duke University, and The Short List worked with him to prepare his application.

Attending a public school in the Tampa area, Alex did not have many opportunities to attend college information sessions and had not yet visited any campuses. The Short List helped Alex begin to develop a college list and identify college presentations in his area that he could attend. We also knew it was important for Alex to visit some college campuses. Given the demands of his schoolwork, many activities, and two summer jobs, this was not an easy task.

Alex visited several schools in North Carolina at the start of his senior year and immediately fell in love with Duke. When stepping on campus, he felt he had “found his people.” More than that, Alex was taken with the strong science offerings at Duke and the opportunities to do research. Alex decided to apply Early Decision to Duke University, and The Short List worked with him to prepare his application. We realized that while he had great breadth of experience, it was important that he demonstrate the depth of his commitment to his activities as well. We worked with him to develop strong essays that conveyed his passion and involvement, and we went through extensive interview preparation.

Alex was accepted Early Decision to Duke University and will be matriculating this fall.


Flag: Hong KongThe Environmentalist

When we first met Thomas, our conversation progressed as many of our initial discussions do, until we got to the question, “Have you started thinking about colleges?” Thomas replied rather sheepishly, “Yes, my dream is to attend Stanford.” Not Stanford and three or two or even one other school. Just Stanford.

Thomas’s parents encourage their children to pursue their dreams with passion and then fully support their efforts. We asked Thomas why he dreamed of going to Stanford, and he replied, “Because I want to be an environmentalist and Stanford has one of the best programs in the country.”

Thomas had top grades and was actively involved in many activities, including serving as class president. What Thomas didn’t see was how to connect his academic interests and efforts with colleges that shared his values. While supporting Thomas’s goal of attending Stanford, we suggested that he explore colleges beyond Stanford so that he could see other possibilities.

The Short List helped Thomas design an application strategy.

Thomas became fully engaged in the process. He spent countless hours researching schools, exploring their websites, and mapping out their geography. He planned a packed two-week college trip for his family during which he took notes and met with admissions personnel and faculty. When he returned home, The Short List helped Thomas design an application strategy. It was important that he present his story so that any school on his list would view him as a viable candidate.

A common thread throughout was his passion for the environment. We learned that much of his commitment was motivated by an extraordinary trip to the Artic. He wrote in his personal essay that watching an avalanche calving “was a compelling reminder of both nature’s unparalleled beauty and the looming threat of climate change.” He went on to share how, after that experience, he wanted his environmental efforts to be more intentional. He discussed the difference he was trying to make in his school and community.

Throughout the process, we watched Thomas mature and grow in confidence. As much as he changed, his dream did not. He applied Restricted Early Action to Stanford. His sister, a Tufts freshman and former client of The Short List, was on Skype with him when he received his decision at 4 am Hong Kong time. Still holding the laptop with his sister on Skype, he woke his parents and shared his news, “I got into Stanford!” As a family, they celebrated.